Christian Homeschool Support of the Western Communities

Our Purpose

Our Purpose
Becoming a Member
Calendar of Events
Local Business Recommendations

CHS Mission Statement

Christian Homeschool Support of the Western communities has been established to provide support, encouragement, social opportunities, and information related to home education for its members.  The CHS organization and all of its activities and publications will consistently and forthrightly honor the Lord God.  We have come together to help one another as we pursue our goal of teaching our children's hearts and minds at home. 

CHS Objectives

*  Honor the Lord God through all activities and publications of the group.

*  Offer support and encouragement to veteran homeschoolers, new homeschoolers, and those parents thinking of homeschooling their children.

*  Offer prayer support to member families.

*  Promote an atmosphere in which members share ideas, suggestions and personal experiences about  homeschooling with each other.

*  Provided opportunities for adults and children to form relationships with fellow members.

*  Provide support to member families in need.

*  Encourage parents to explore opportunities such as field trips and other events that enrich member  families homeschool experience. Opportunities offered will vary depending upon member volunteer commitments.

*  Motivate membes to serve each other by volunteering to work for the group.

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"Anyone who listens to my teachings and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds a house ON SOLID ROCK." (TNLT)

Matthew 7:24