* Indicates a CHS member owned business.
*K-Rides(Installation of car stereos,
alarms, keyless entry, ipads, speakers, amps, tv's, videp games and much more) Located near
45th St and Australian Blvd Ph- 561-602-9193
Food Services
*Stacey's Incredible Edibles(Gourmet Chocolates, caramel apples,
salsa & tapenades & more)
*Tami's Tasti Treats(Cakes, cupcakes,
cake pops, pies, breads and more) Ph- 561-784-5450 FB- www.facebook.com/tamis.tastitreats
Home Parties/Classes
*Coupon Divaz(Learn how to save money through couponing. Home shows, seminars and classes at Seminole Ridge High School.
Fashionable coupon organizers available.) www.coupondivaz.com Ph- 634-6625 Kris
792-2813 Stacey
*Mom's Gold Party(Sell your old, broken, ugly gold. Private, discrete and
fun. Pays a 5% referral fee .) WWW.MomsGoldParty.com Ph- 561-281-8599
My Thirty-One(Purses and organizers-
Company is faith based- founded on Proverbs 31. Ph- 324-8904 www.MyThirtyOne.com/MissyLynn
Home Repair/Maintenance
*Coupe & AssociatesLawn
and Landscape 561-644-7575
*Coupe's Water Service Monthly maintenance on your water system, repairs
and installs systems. In business almost 10 years. Ph- 644-7575 Mike Just tell him we are in the same homeschool group and he will come out to check your system free of charge.
*Willson T Contracting, Inc.Email- WillsonT@bellsouth.net Ph- 954-275-5796
Private Lessons
Guitar/Piano LessonsLorraine Mynahan Ph- 385-0338 Email- StartHereGuitarAcademy@hotmail.com
Other Services
SpaLocated in Coral Springs. Offers
20% off to all teachers (homeschool mamas too!), police and firefighters. Permanent makeup, eyelash extensions, hair
follicle stimulation, facials and so much more. Ph- 954-757-0305
Enter supporting content here
"Anyone who listens to my
teachings and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds a house ON SOLID ROCK." (TNLT)
Matthew 7:24